Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Haiku Review Catch-up



Swank is pretty good/
Otherwise safe biopic/
Textbook Oscar bait.

Paranormal Activity:

Nice to see old-school/
Scares over bloody sadism/
Will give you nightmares.

Disney's A Christmas Carol:

Cynical attempt/
To pair Dickens with 3-D/
Carrey fails as Scrooge.

The Box:

Surprisingly good/
Like a twist on 'Earth Stood Still'/
Serling would approve.

~Video Games~

Demon's Souls:

Quite atmospheric/
But hard and unforgiving/
A worthy challenge.


A fun co-op game/
Solid shooter gameplay with/
Slick art direction.

Aaand with that I'm pretty much caught up on stuff for now; full reviews coming later. Sorry for getting so behind, but between playing... well, a lot of time-eating games, actually writing about them's getting hard to do.

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